5, మార్చి 2017, ఆదివారం

Sunday morning, the ray of sunlight strikes straight into my eyes. I have to say the window is the most cherished object for me as it pokes me to take a diversion.  I always wonder why few people fully cover up the windows and hinder the free energy that they get through it. Anyways, I skipped morning yoga and spent quite some time on Facebook which is my new acquaintance. Yes it is a new acquaintance as I started using it very recently.

Fans of FB may take it as blasphemy but I always thought and even now I think, unlike Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg is an accidental billionaire who steals the private lives of the public as he got an idea of FB. I always wondered life is beautifully painted on Facebook. People seem to be charming, confident and enjoying good lives and luxuries. Is this all true? I don’t know. Whenever the thought comes to my mind, I only think of the most unprivileged people on the earth. Why they are made so differently why do they have to live so differently? Aren’t they different species? I do not get answers for many.
Quite few reasons why I am here…

Primary reasons are my iconic idols Sadhguru and Modiji are vastly using the FB. Secondly, I thought my world has become pretty small while others are fully expanding their horizons. FB accounts 3000 friends and 12000 followers are you kidding me? and I have 10 good old friends and 5 neighbors.
Whatever may be the reason, I entered the world of FB and I still don’t like the idea of making our lives private and giving boost to Mr. Zuckerberg’s finances.

The amount of add requests surprised me. My soul thought 'oh there are many friends out there who want to connect with me'. Are these really my friends?  That is the immediate question that I ghad. I don’t know is the answer, for the fact that I stopped judging people. That is one of the greatest transformations that Sadhguru had given me.

These are few truths….
If there is a smiling woman with a stunning picture, her father or husband is her support system to keep that smile on her face. The likes should go to the men in her life. If there is a meaningful lengthy post from a man, there is a woman behind him standing as his strength.  The FB is true face men and woman relationships and one should be abusive to these relationships and just be noble in accepting the facts. There might be hundreds of friends but only one true friend can the wing of that person.  Even that one person is a peripheral tool, the real tool is your own self (again Sadhguru inspired)

The philosophy that I can never forget…..

Evariki evaru ee lokamlo evariki eruka. Ye dari etu pothundo evarini adagaka…
(Translation: No one knows who belongs to who..No one knows which path leads to where…)

I find no time to read and respond to the most of the posts and messages that I see.. I wonder people being active on social networks just not one. Dexterous generation and I feel quite handicapped…

More musing in my next….

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